New Book – First Look!

DraftFrontCoverWe are in the final stages of production for the 2nd edition of Coming Out From Behind The Badge!  Here is a first look at what the cover might look like!  The new book will be almost double the size of the first edition with over 300 pages of amazing content.  It will offer new chapters with an explanation of sexual orientation and gender identity, law enforcement related LGBT history, and expanded chapters on coming out and how to create a more inclusive workplace.

This new edition makes an ideal textbook for classes in community policing and criminal justice.  It is an essential read for any law enforcement executive and every straight ally who wants to create a supportive and inclusive workplace for LGBT professionals.

In addition to the new book, we will also offer a new instructional guide free of charge to any instructor or teacher who uses the book in a class.  The new guide includes learning outcomes, course outlines, visuals, learning activities, and critical thinking questions.

The hard cover edition will be available for pre-order this fall from, Barnes and Noble, and many other online book sellers.  Links will be available in our bookstore on this website.  The official release event is scheduled for April 16, 2016 in Boston at the 25th anniversary celebration of New England GOAL.

The contributing authors to this book include:

DraftBackCoverGreg Lempke
An Officer From The East Coast
An Officer From Alabama
Jon Henderson
David Lewis Jr.
Danielle Jonas
John Sanders
Anthony Morgado
Patricia Fitzpatrick
Scott Gunn
Gregory Abbink
Jeri Mitchell
Kevin Collins
Darran Mazaika