Coming Out
“People Will Be As Comfortable With You As You Are With Yourself.”
Tony Pennacchio, Teacher 2004
One important part of our mission is to support anyone who is thinking about coming out with non-heterosexual orientation or non-cisgender identity. It makes no difference how old you are or if you are in law enforcement or not; the writers involved in out books are committed to helping you. For me, the desire to come out was always there, but the decision to actually do it was one that took years of contemplation until I finally found the courage to actually do it. It was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life and it was the best decision I ever made. You are not alone and I invite you to watch the stories from some of our colleagues in the videos below.
Want more stories? The National Law Enforcement Museum in Washington DC produced a series of podcasts for the Law Enforcement Icons collection. Listen to this series featuring LGBTQ+ members of law enforcement.
My offer to you is simple. If you are even thinking about coming out, take advantage of this offer to reach out for support. You can remain completely anonymous and no one will push you. You can ask any question you want. If you are a friend or ally of someone you think is gay and want to know how to provide support, we are here to help. Read more about the coming out process in our special series.
“Great Things Are Possible When You Have The Courage To Be Yourself.”
Michael Sam, NFL Player 2014
We offer several ways to learn more about coming out and to get some advice that might be helpful for you. We have a series of articles that explore various aspects and considerations for coming out. This is a good way to get some general information. We also offer an interactive BOT and a confidential form you can complete to ask questions specific to your situation.
Ask Some Questions And Get Some AdviceThis interactive BOT can answer some of your specific questions and offer advice based on the content of our website, the Human Rights Campaign, Trevor Project, and other reliable sources. This new tool uses AI to facilitate an interaction with you available 24/7. You should always evaluate the feedback you get against your own life circumstances and level of comfort. This is true for any source of advice, whether gathered from reading text, interacting with an AI tool like this one, or from personal advice given by another. To use this tool, you are not required to disclose any personal information that could reveal your identity. The BOT will ask for your name or what the BOT can call you. Enter whatever you are most comfortable with. |
The form below comes directly to my email and will not be shared with anyone unless you give me permission to do so. I will respect your wish for confidentiality and privacy. We have writers from every part of the country representing all age groups. If you want to talk to a specific type of person in law enforcement, I will pass your question on. This is not a recruitment effort, but merely an offer to help and provide you with support from someone who knows how important it is.
- If you are in crisis and need to talk with someone right now, please call the LGBTQ crisis hotline at 1-800-273-8255. You can also chat with someone online.
- If you are a young person, you can get help right now at the Trevor Project 1-866-488-7386 or chat online. or
- LGBT National Youth Talk Line at 800-246-7743
- If you a transgender person, please call the TransLifeLine at 1-877-565-8860.
- For Elders, please call the SAGE LGBT Elder Hotline at 1-877-360-5428
- National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 988 or