LGBTQ+ Law Enforcement Icons
The National Law Enforcement Museum in Washington DC produced a series of podcasts as part of their Icons in Law Enforcement collection. These oral histories reveal the largely hidden and personal stories of LGBTQ+ members of law enforcement similar to the stories contained in our books. For those already in law enforcement and those wishing to pursue a career in law enforcement, we hope these stories inspire you to be your authentic self. LGBTQ+ people work throughout the rank and file of law enforcement in agencies at the local, state, and federal level, from the line to executive, and from coast to coast. These are but a few of the thousands of LGBTQ+ stories in law enforcement.
“Precinct 444 presents: Pride Behind the Badge: Hear Their Stories series to share the experiences, challenges, and motivations of LGBTQIA+ law enforcement professionals. This exclusive series is in conjunction with the Pride Behind the Badge digital exhibit, published June 28, 2023.
Greg Miraglia and Deputy Anthony Kasper talk about their careers overlapping at the same law enforcement agency, a couple of generations apart. Greg Miraglia is the founder of Out to Protect and author of “Coming Out From Behind The Badge.”
Supervising Special Agent Albert Guarnieri from the Federal Bureau of Investigation shares his personal story and strong desire to serve law enforcement and the American people. Julie Callahan is retired from law enforcement after serving two large law enforcement agencies. She is the founder of TCOPS International – the Transgender Community of Police and Sheriffs. Chief Don Mueller was one of the very first deputy sheriffs to “come out” as a gay man while working at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. His career is evidence of what is possible when you live an authentic life. Sergeant Michael Crumrine grew up in Texas and was able to “come out” and find success in law enforcement despite growing up in a religious and conservative environment.