Customized Training
About Our Customized Online Courses
We can customize our online LGBT Awareness For Law Enforcement and Hate Crimes Investigation classes for your agency. Our online course can be completed on any device with Internet access including laptops, pads, and phones (Apple, Android, MAC, or Windows based devices).
A customized online course includes:
- Scheduling of classes based on the needs of the agency.
- Multiple consecutive classes scheduled based on the needs of larger agencies (more than 30 participants).
- Monitoring of your personnel’s participation and progress in the course.
- For California agencies, all courses include California POST certification. Training managers received a PDF copy of the course roster.
- An individual PDF certificate of completion for each member of your agency that passes the course.
Online courses can be made available 30 days after payment is received. We typically schedule online classes to be open for 30 or 45 days.