About Coming Out From Behind The Badge – 3rd Edition
Coming Out From Behind The Badge – 3rd Edition is the newest book in our growing collection and while we call it a “third edition” it is really a new book with new and update content, new stories, and a new focus on providing LGBTQ+ awareness for law enforcement and all first responders.
This book is both an instructional text and an anthology with coming out stories from real members of law enforcement, the fire service, and EMS profession. The collection of stories from from gay men, lesbians, and transgender people. Read more about the story behind Coming Out From Behind The Badge.
What’s New In This Edition?
- All of the content you need to provide LGBTQ+ awareness training.
- A new chapter on terminology.
- A new chapter on serving the community and LGBT Liaison Programs.
- An updated and expanded history of law enforcement and the LGBTQ+ community.
- New and updated stories and interviews.
- New content on supporting transgender members of law enforcement.
This book is perfect for…
- An instructor providing LGBT Awareness classes for first responders.
- A college professor teaching criminal justice and community policing.
- A law enforcement leader wanting to create an inclusive workplace.
- An out gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender first responder.
- A student preparing for a career in law enforcement, the fire service or EMS profession.
- A law enforcement psychologist who wants to understand better.
- Anyone who is searching for how to “come out.”
From inside the book:
Law enforcement and all other first responder professionals need to be culturally competent and have a confident understanding of the LGBTQ+ community. LGBT awareness training is being provided to first responders across the United States and law enforcement is taking the lead. This book provides the foundational knowledge to support this training.
This book is an ideal textbook for use in LGBT awareness training, college courses in community policing, administration of justice, and LGBT studies.
Some of the contributing first-responders to this book include:
Mallory Maloney-Martin
Bill Oates
Susan Alexander
Bradley Ryder
Danielle Jonas
John Sanders
Anthony Kasper
Patricia Fitzpatrick
Scott Gunn
Jeri Mitchell
Kevin Collins
Darran Mazaika
Jon Henderson
Our Thanks
We are so grateful to the LGBTQ+ first responders who shared their personal stories with us for this book. We believe the most effective way of changing hearts and minds is through the sharing of our stories. We also believe the most effective way of combating homophobia and transphobia is through education and awareness. We hope this book serves all of these efforts.
100% of the proceeds from the sale of all of our books go to our scholarship and grant programs. Download a flier about this book.