National EMS and Firefighters Pride Alliance
One of the most rewarding parts of working in a public safety profession is the camaraderie available among colleagues and co-workers. Some of my best life-long friends came from my time working in law enforcement. Law enforcement, the fire service, and emergency medicine are all professions that face life-and-death situations on a daily basis. There is a strong bond that develops quickly through experiencing these events together.
As a professional in one of these vocations who also happens to be gay, it can be difficult to connect with colleagues especially if you are closeted or work in an atmosphere surrounded by homophobia. This why organizations such as the National EMS and Firefighters Pride Alliance are so important. They provide a space to connect with other LGBT professionals for networking and support.
There are many LGBT law enforcement associations around the country, but very few specifically for the fire service and EMS professionals. Ed Senatore is working really hard to create an organization to support those who are out as well as those who are struggling with coming out. If you are a fire service or EMS professional, join me in becoming a member of this national organization.