New LGBT Community Liaison Accreditation Program
This accreditation process provides credibility and contributes to the legitimacy of a law enforcement agency. LGBT Community Liaisons are highly effective programs that give voice to the community and promote respect by putting a human face on the law enforcement agency. Our goal is to help law enforcement agencies create and operate a highly effective liaison program based on what we know are the best practices for such work.
Agencies receiving accreditation receive a plaque with an accreditation certificate for display in the law enforcement agency, a listing on Out to Protect’s website and social media channels, and access to training and support services. In addition, accredited agencies have access to decals and stickers to help promote the status of the LGBT Community Liaison Program in the community.
This LGBT Community Liaison Accreditation Program is the only one of its kind in the nation. Out to Protect is excited about supporting law enforcement’s work building a strong trustworthy relationship with the community. Our partners at the United States Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services offer a mini-grant program that can be used to fund the development and implementation of an LGBT Community Liaison Program including earning accreditation for the program. Learn more about these mini grants.